
St. Edward School is a unique Christian community dedicated to fostering spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emotional, and physical growth of its members regardless of race, creed, or color. This is achieved through a spirit of dedication, freedom, and love that is based on the Gospel message. The faculty and staff believe parents are the primary educators of their children and that they work with parents as partners having common purposes and motivated by common ideals. St. Edward School fosters the religious formation of its students in light of the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church.

Faculty and staff strive to instill a love of learning, an appreciation of God’s world, respect for life, a commitment to stewardship and service, and a true respect for the uniqueness of each individual.

Our School Objectives

St. Edward School strives:
(1) to promote the growth of Catholic valules and moral attitudes.
(2) to emphasize the importance of prayer in the lives of students.
(3) to provide an atmosphere that will encourage and challenge students. 
(4) to experience a sense of achievement in academics. 
(5) to privide a flexible curriculum that will accomodate individual needs. 
(6) to provide opportunities that will develop cooperative learning skills. 


Office and Contact Information

Monday-Friday 8:00am-3pm

Office phone: 859-234-2731

Emergencies: call 859- 234-5444 or 859-588-4469

Email Contact: mgrable@stedwardky.org
or schooloffice@stedwardky.org

Catholic Schools Week

Since 1974, National Catholic Schools Week is the annual celebration of Catholic education in the US. It starts the last Sunday in January and runs all week. The theme for the week is “Catholic Schools: United in Faith and Community.” Schools observe the annual week with Masses and other activities. Through these events, schools focus on the value Catholic education provides to young people and its contributions to our church, our communities, and our nation.

St. Edward students celebrated School Choice Week and Catholic Schools Week in January. For some of the activities, they sang songs, received scarves, and prayed the Rosary, with each grade presenting a petition for prayer. #SchoolChoiceWeek




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Current/Upcoming Events

Upcoming dates/events for St Edward School:

**Check the Event Calendar for Weekly or Monthly happenings. LINK

The Kentucky March for Life is rescheduled to Wednesday, February 26, 2025 @ Kentucky State Capitol, Frankfort 

 **View pictures from our recent School wide Science Fair, held January 31st. LINK

**St. Edward School is taking applications for a Head Teacher or Principal for the 2025-2026 school year. Any practicing Catholic with a teaching certification is invited to call the school office at 1-859- 234-2731 and request an a application by March 1, 2025 (or until the position is filled.)

Food Bank Donations:
The Food Bank request for February is canned pasta. Thank you for your generosity and support of our local food bank.

**2025 Annual Lenten Fish Fry: Fridays— March 7th, 14th, 28th and April 4th. More info to follow. 

**Wednesday, March 5th: Spring butterbraids fundraiser kickoff

**NEXT DQ Night: Monday, March 10th, 5-8p.m.

**Tuesday, March 11th: 2025 DPAA Kick-Off Dinner @ Blue Lick State Resort Park.

**Our Online SchoolStore: CLICK HERE for more information on how to order. Thanks for your support. 

Our Preschool and K- 5 Students celebrated Catholic Schools & School Choice Week last month. The students received yellow scarfs from the National School Choice Organization.